Demineralization Plant “DM-MB”

Demineralization of water is a type of water purification which involves the process of removing mineral salts from water by use of Ion Exchange (IX) process. The water which is demineralized is made free from dissolved salts & minerals and consists of processes such as Distillation, Deionization, Membrane Filtration, and various other processes. The terms deionization and demineralization are often used interchangeably.

Water consists of mineral ions such as anions like nitrate, sulfate, chloride, etc. and cations like sodium, copper, calcium, iron, etc. De-mineralization is a physical process involving the use of specially-manufactured ion exchange resins. They provide an ion exchange site for mineral salt replacement in water.

Demineralization or deionization is a quick and produces high purity water similar to distilled water at a lower cost without any high scale buildup. Demineralized Water System has a wide range of applications in the field of power, cooling, process, and steam.

How does the process of De-mineralization take place?

  • In this process, the raw water is passed through two polystyrene bead (ion exchange resins) filled beds.
  • The impurity ions present in the water are replaced by these ion-exchange resins. There are two types of ions present in water: Cations (positively charged ions) and Anions (negatively charged ions).
  • In first bed, the resins will release Hydrogen (H+) ions in exchange for impure cations in the water.
  • In the second one, the resins will release hydroxyl ions (OH-) to exchange the impure anions present in the water.

Listed below are the advantages of using the system:

  • Quick Availability
  • Pre-dispatch assembly check
  • As compared to six valves in conventional filters, it has only a single valve operation
  • Rugged design and improved aesthetics
  • Low maintenance, easy to install and user-friendly
  • Simpler collection and distribution systems
  • Elimination of error in operating sequence as each operating step is marked on the valve
  • High shelf life and is rust-free
  • Durable and economical with less power consumption

Advantages of using Demineralization Water System

Advantages of using Demineralization Water System

There are three used ways how the ion-exchange process is carried out in water treatment and purification:

  • Only cation-exchange resins can be used for water softening by base exchange
  • Only anion-exchange resins can be used for nitrate removal
  • Combination of both the resins to remove almost all ionic impurities present in the water, this process is known as Deionization

Major Applications of Demineralization “Water Treatment System”

The demineralization water treatment system has a wide application and uses in the industries and huge power plants. Various applications are listed below:

Boilers feed water, pharmaceuticals, potable water, Automobile & Battery, Chemicals, Hospitals, Breweries, and Fertilizers.

Ion exchange plants are widely used as Softener, Two stages & Multistage DM plants, Mix Bed Demineralizer, De-gasifiers, Manual/Automatic plants, Used in Chemical industries, Textile industries, Power plant, Oil & Gas plants.

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  • Corporate Office B-119, Sector-64,
    Noida (UP) +91 8860 43 7745
  • Branch Office B-30/2A-5, Gangabagh Colony, Lanka, Varanasi, (UP) +91 9369 452 426
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